Reduce your feed costs this winter!
Tuesday, 15 January, 2013 - 00:00
Do keep those photos coming if you fancy a chance to win some free bales of Devon Haylage and a chance for your photo to appear on our Homepage. The closing date is midnight, 31st January 2013 Good...
Monday, 26 November, 2012 - 00:00
THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED New website launch! “If your photo gives us an ‘Ahhh’ or a laugh, you are in with a chance!” We are looking for cute or funny photographs of your horse which show...
Monday, 29 October, 2012 - 00:00
We will be at the South West Christmas Equine Fayre at Westpoint Arena again this year – Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December 2012. Come along for a great day out and to visit us on our stand for a...
Sunday, 21 October, 2012 - 14:29
As a consequence of the dreadful weather this summer, haylage and hay availability and quality around the country will be compromised. Good quality hay will be extremely hard to find and as a result...
Wednesday, 17 October, 2012 - 00:00
Nutritional Quality High Fibre Ryegrass Timothy Dry matter % 75 78 Protein % 9 7 Energy MJ/kg 7-10 7-9 If you have a specific question that is not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact...
Tuesday, 18 September, 2012 - 00:00
As we all know, this June and July saw the highest rainfall for 100 years!! Consequently we had to delay cutting for over a month. The crop will definitely be high in fibre and as a result of the...