This haylage is made from well-established mixed grass pastures containing naturally occurring wildflowers and herbs, similar to traditional hay meadows.
Typical species could include Common Bent, Foxtail, Scented Vernal grass, Yorkshire Fog, Meadow grass, Red Fescue, Crested Dogs Tail, Ribwort Plantain, Knapweed, Red and White clover and Birds Foot Trefoil. Due to the natural variation in distribution of species throughout the sward, please expect bales to not be as uniform as our Timothy or High Fibre Ryegrass. As with our Timothy and High Fibre Ryegrass, we do not cut this crop until the seed heads are fully developed, resulting in a high fibre haylage suitable for all classes of horse or pony but especially veterans due to the soft texture. The current analysis can be found here.